Summer is right around the corner, and the possibilities are endless when it comes to your warm weather garden. Besides embellishing your patio furniture with custom made sectional covers and table covers, you can add a rainbow of summer appropriate blooms to make your backyard even more inviting for the season.

If you wish to have a picturesque summer garden with flowers and hummingbirds and a brightly coloured flutter of butterflies, planting Lantanas should be definitely on your list. Known for their vibrant colours and shrubby branches, Lantanas are a small cluster of flowers with leaves feature a sandpaper-like texture.
These plants belong to the Verbena family of flower, and can be treated as annuals or perennials depending upon their region and type of growth. You can either plant them in your garden or grow them hanging baskets. With a multitude of colours and charming variety, Lantanas make for a great choice of bloom for your summer garden.
Another pollinator-attracting flower is Pentas- a sanctuary for butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. Well suited for even the hottest weather conditions, Pentas can be grown all summer long. These serve as indoor as well as outdoor plants. Pentas grow well when planted in the ground or containers.
All they require is ample water and sunlight, and soil that is well-drained and moist. They can be conveniently grown as houseplants in the presence of sufficient sunlight. To avoid flower production from coming to a stand-still, a monthly dose of fertilizer is necessary.

Hydrangeas or Hortensisa are a stunning variety of summer flowers with a genus of 70-75 species. These can be planted in early spring and can be expected to last throughout the entire summer. Hydrangeas require minimum effort to plant and maintain. Although simple to plant, all Hydrangeas require is abundant space to flourish and well-drained soil.
They grow best in the morning sunlight, and direct exposure to sun rays should be avoided. Be aware that Hydrangeas grow quickly. Once you plant them, you will see them fill your garden in no time. The characteristic features of Hydrangea make them a foundation plant for landscape designing.

With foliage intolerant to cold winter months, Dahlias are best suited for summertime. Dahlias are one of the most sought-after summer flowers and are native to Mexico and Central America. These blooms are sun-lovers and grow well in places exposed to more than six hours of bright sunlight. The vast array of colours and textures that Dahlias exude make them the perfect flowers to match your outdoor cushion & pillow covers to.

Black-Eyed Susan
Black-eyed Susan, also known as Rudbeckia Hirta, bring a burst of gold to any summer garden. Generally, all black-eyed Susan varieties thrive in full sunlight apart from a few that also need partial shade. However, all varieties should be kept away from the scorching heat.
Similar to their indoor counterpart the roller shade, outdoor patio blinds can be used to protect against exposure to sun rays. These plants grow to a height of 60 to 91 cm and spread easily. A favorite among pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and other insects, these wildflowers are a pleasant addition to any garden.

Zinnias are annual plants that belong to the Heliantheae (Sunflower) family. These plants are capable of giving your summer garden a lovely makeover. The requirements to grow Zinnias are quite minimal. Basic garden preparation comprising fertile and well-drained soil, rich in organic matter, and sufficient summer heat are enough to nurture the plant.
They are ideal for container gardening, with the dwarf variety planted in plant borders as a common practice. If you choose to grow them from seed, have the seeds sown 6.3 mm deep. Soon tiny seedlings will germinate, and in just a few weeks, you would witness flowers blooming in vibrant summer hues.

Coneflower or Echinacea are perennial plants and members of the Daisy family. These plants are known for their speedy growth rates and low maintenance upkeep. Coneflowers require six to eight hours of sunlight to grow well, and thrive when planted in lean soil. Soil that is too rich can lead to poor flowering and excessive foliage in Coneflowers.

Also known as summer-snapdragons, Angelonias are known for their extensive array of colours. Angelonias are tender perennial plants that require full sun and well-drained soil. Their foliage is smooth and drought tolerant. Angelonias can be propagated from seed or stem cuttings. Serena is the most widely acclaimed variety of the angelonia plants thanks to their excessive tolerance to summer heat and extended blooming period.

Patience is key when it comes to growing carnations, as you will not see their flowers blooming within the first year. A widely known symbol of love- carnations are an favorite among both florists and gardeners. While the former laud them for their longer shelf-life, gardeners appreciate the sweet fragrance and visual appeal. The versatility of this plant variety in terms of its colour and species makes it a go-to option for ornamental use.
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